Monday, August 11, 2014

Jyodhi Lingam Kedharanath

Gangadharam Umanadham Pani kundala Manditham |
Kalakalam Kethareesam Jyothir-Swaroopam Namamyaham ||

Brahma (The creater) had a grand son called Priyaviradhan who had seven sons.One day Priyavirdhan whished to give the equal shares of his kingdom to his seven sons. According to his wish he took his chariot and went round the mountain Maha Meru. Then Priyavirdhan seprated the mountain into seven islands and gave one each to his sons. He gave ' Jampootvibam ' to his first son who ruled for a long time . Then his son Nabi became the king of the Jampootvibam and Nabi had nine children.
Rishaban one of Nabi's sons wanted to share the Jampootvibam with his other brothers. Hence he seperated Jampootvibam into nine continents and gave one to each of them. Rishaban gave one of the continents to Bharadhan that was called Bharadha Kandam.
The Bharada Kandam is the best among all others.To protect the universe Sri Vishnu incarnated as Nara Narayana at Badrika-ashramam in Bharatha Kandam.(Both of them incarnated as Krishna and Arjuna in Tredha yuga.) Nara Narayana brothers made a siva lingam and did pooja for many years. Lord siva happily accepted their pooja and appeared in luminous Jyothi-Swaroopa and asked them what was the reason for their pooja to him. Nara Narayana brothers told the lord " Lord give us energy to protect the world and kindly you should incarnate in this lingam to which we did pooja as "Jyothir Lingam". Lord Siva did according to their wishes.The lingam here is called Kedhareswarar.
If one does pooja to Kedhareswarar he will wipe off his sins and get peace of mind. Furthar if one goes to Badrika-ashramam atleast once in his life time to do dharshan of the Lord he will attain moksham (Liberation achieved through god realization) This is true.

                                                      Om Hreen Namasivaya 


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